Raw fresh green wet walnuts
0Haag Family Farm-Walnuts since 70's haag@cal.net 16200 County Road 87 www.Walnuts.US Esparto, CA 95627 To our special FRESH raw green wet walnut customers,
ORDER anytime after August 1, please-- Firstly, if you have already ordered,
just ignore this. Otherwise, just e-mail an OK if you would like 10 (TEN) lbs of large fresh walnuts 3-day mailed to you at
their prime @ $8.75/lb plus the $21.90 cost (as of Sept. 2021) of Uncle Sam's fast U.S. Post Office Priority Mail. Please indicate in your e-mail which of these three choices is right for your tastes: A) Green
hull without any cracks, GHWC, so ship late-August; B) Green hull starting to split, GHSS. so ship in early Sept.;
or C) Green hull coming off, GHCO, so ship near end of Sept. Secondly, one might ask what is our 2-day delicate procedure before mailing your fresh wet walnuts each year sometime before
our machine harvest: 1) When fully mature with green hulls & about 30% moisture, selecting and hand-picking
off the tree the fresh walnut; then placing in a single layer and 2) Leaving them out on a chilled enameled
metal surface to dry off surface moisture overnight to reduce spoilage; then hand-packing one at a time and 3) 3-day air shipping to your door via U.S. Mail and your postman. Quite a treat is in store
for you! Cordially, Jim Haag ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *** 40+ years of growing ultra-pure walnut products. *** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Rainbow over walnuts for good luck
